FDA’s Huge Counterfeit Vape Haul.
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), in partnership with the FDA, have recently seized a shipment of over 30 thousand counterfeit and unauthorised e-cigarettes during transit from China to Texas.
In a continued effort to ‘intercept counterfeit or other violative e-cigarettes’ that fail to meet consumer protection standards, the FDA and dedicated border protection officers are pooling their resources.
These counterfeit devices were found in excess of 40-plus shipments, were valued at over $700,000, and seemed to be replicas of Puff Bar products; a brand that has already received calls to remove its flavoured disposable e-cigs from the market.
Through strict enforcement of trading standards and a thorough customs process, the CBP seized over 90,000 counterfeit e-cigarettes in 2020 alone.
However, countless more fake and potentially harmful products find their way into the hands of unknowing vapers, an issue of which the FDA is alarmingly aware.
Love, Supergood.