Might show our mums this one.

Might show our mums this one.

Jun 17, 2020Jamie Dodd

Have you seen the latest review of our Supergood cocktails? You have surely heard how good they are by now? Well the guys over at EcigClick asked if they could do an honest review for the public. Of course we said yes!

Check out the review HERE 

If you had any doubts about the cocktails, consider them quashed and go and grab a bottle or 8.

We always look forward to more feedback so feel free to leave a review on our site if you like.


Whilst on the whole review thing, we also managed to cop a review for the salts too, safe to say the results were "Super Good" too. You can check the review HERE 


Don't forget to take advantage of our Super Bundles and save £££s. You owe it to yourself to get them, don't worry about the extra workload that we have, you are worth it. (Oh and it is next day delivery too)

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