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NZ Wants NHS Kits

NZ Wants NHS Kits

The 2021 budget should supercharge ‘vape to quit’ programmes already rolled out across New Zealand’s health sector. Rolling out something similar to the NHS’ vape kit scheme would be an amazing step forward for Smokefree Aotearoa.

Nancy Loucas, co-director of Aotearoa Vapers Community Advocacy, had this to say: “Our government is now determined to get Smokefree 2025 back on track. Budget Day on 20 May is the first opportunity to put its money where its mouth is. Our District Health Boards and Maori health organisations have had huge success with switching smokers into vapers. It’s time for the Government to back them more.”

The new publicly funded initiative in the UK sees that smokers are able to be offered stop smoking advice and e-cigarette starter packs when they are discharged from A&E. The encouragement and support to quit is given to all patient currently smoking, including those who haven’t considered quitting before.

Titled ‘Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation (Review),’ the Cochrane Library have published an update on vaping.

Reviewing over 50 international studies, involving nearly 13,000 smokers, it found that e-cigs could increase the number of people who would eventually stop smoking compared to other forms of nicotine replacement therapies, such as gum or patches.

“Health officials in the UK believe tens of thousands of Brits stop smoking every year after switching to vaping. In fact, latest PHE estimates show that around 2.7 million adults now vape in England alone, compared to nearly seven million who smoke tobacco.”

“What has happened over in the UK over the past decade is an impressive story. It’s one our government needs to investigate if it is serious about rebooting New Zealand’s 2011 ambition of being smokefree by 2025,” Nancy says.

AVCA is encouraging Kiwis to review and submit to the Government’s discussion document ahead of the deadline.

Love, Supergood.

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