Vaping fear-mongers now targeting chocolate flavours.
Researchers with ties to the anti-vaping agenda have now declared that chocolate is a “particularly harmful” vape flavour.
A paper published states, “We can’t wait any longer to protect the health of Connecticut residents, especially our kids. Connecticut can be a leader by ending the sale of all flavoured tobacco products — including menthol cigarettes, and flavoured e-cigarettes, cigars and chewing tobacco.”
“All 10 flavours tested caused some level of toxicity in the cells lining the lungs,” the authors write, repeating the same methodological shortcomings from previous work, looking at three types of E-Liquids where the pure flavour extract was applied to cell cultures in petri dishes.
They tested 10 flavours, including Mango, Tobacco, Cinnamon and Chocolate. “Some contained as many as 15 chemicals,” they add as if the mere mention of chemicals would send readers recoiling in horror.
Lead author Miranda Ween had this to say, “We believe that this study provides evidence that the potential harm from using flavours does not come from the name on the bottle, but rather the flavouring chemical composition, the flavouring chemicals present and their concentration. This suggests that any limits on permitted flavours should be based on this sort of data specifically to ensure that allowed products truly represent the lowest level of harm possible.”
This is just one study of many that fails to take into account relative harm, purposefully twisting the findings to fit their opinionated outcomes. Now, the paper’s findings will have next to no traction in the UK, it will be used by the likes of policymakers in the US to support the relentless attack on vaping and by other bad apples in within the WHO.
Love, Supergood.