More toxins 'in the air' than vape.

More toxins 'in the air' than vape.

Apr 18, 2021Aidan Cooper

Cadena de Ondas Populares Españolas, colloquially known as COPE, has published a story in the number one newspaper in Madrid. Detailed in it, a professor of chemistry states that making a trip down any street in Madrid exposes a person to more toxins than that of an E-Cigarette.

The article once again repeats the fact that vaping is vastly safer than smoking, stating that experts say vaping is at least 90% safer than smoking. It continues, quoting Professor Angel González Ureña, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry and director of the Department of Lasers and Molecular Beams of the Multidisciplinary Institute of the Complutense University, explaining that the streets of Madrid are far more harmful for you than vaping.

He explained in multiple experiments that the relative risk to drivers was “absolutely clear”.

"We have conducted some experiments here in Madrid, analysing the gases on a normal street, because of traffic, and compared to e-cigarettes and I can tell them that for many chemists if you walk down any street you are exposed to more toxins than if you inhale an e-cigarette. That's for sure”.

González Ureña went on to explain how the concept of second-hand vape danger didn’t exist because of the “low content in the expelled aerosol”.

Their contribution to the debate in Spain will be welcome seeing as the nation has a poor approach to tobacco harm reduction. They called vaping, “the only way forward.”

Love, Supergood.

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