Calls for e-cig clarity.

Calls for e-cig clarity.

Apr 11, 2021Aidan Cooper

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) has recently launched a petition demanding the World Health Organisation to speak the truth about vaping and other reduced harm products. The vaping advocates for the Asia-Pacific region say it’s time to end the lies against innovative nicotine products and start respecting consumer rights.

Leading New Zealand vape advocate Nancy Loudas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA, states that WHO continues to spread lies about safer nicotine alternatives, saying that they are just as harmful as combustible tobacco an should be banned or heavily restricted.

“This is a lie, as vaping has been life-changing for many smokers in all parts of the world, helping millions of former smokers to quit cigarettes,” says Ms Loucas.

The petition begs WHO and other health authorities around the globe to regulate the products based on the sound science and facts, not based on corrupted evidence and prejudice. This should also include consumer participation as part of the decision-making process.

Tobacco Harm Reduction is a public health strategy that involves the use of far less harmful alternatives to smoking, such as vaping, heated tobacco products and snus. All of which does not produce carcinogenic smoke.

Harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke are the ones that cause diseases among smokers, according to multiple scientific studies.

Ms. Loucas believes WHO’s actions have put countless lives at risk with this spread of disinformation. Smokers will be unable to pick a safer option, as well as forcing the millions who have already successfully made the switch to turn back to the very thing that will cause them harm, and eventually kill them.

“As adults, we have every right to choose how we live our lives - the right to make informed choices for our health, including the choice to use safer nicotine products as an alternative to combustible tobacco. A solution to the world's smoking problem is already here. We need to make WHO FCTC hear us,” according to the petition.

If you want to make your voice heard and sign the petition, please click this link and help bolster the change.

Love, Supergood.

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